Friday, March 11, 2011

P90x Shoulders and Arms Workout - Why This Workout is So Effective

I get asked this question everyday. Which is better, P90X or the Insanity Workout? Which will give me the results I need? A little thought quickly reveals this question as impossible to answer without a few qualifications. Think about it: depending on your goals, body composition and workout experience, you'll do better with one or the other.

What I end up doing is giving a clear list of what each workout is good at, and then letting the person figure out if that's what they're looking for. I'm going to do that right here, spell out the differences, and let you guys answer that question for yourselves.

Insanity will. Now hold up, it's not that simple. Insanity is designed to be a full body workout that is based on plyometric jumping drills, interval training and intense cardio that remains below the bleeding edge of anaerobic the entire time. The nutrition plan is designed to put you at a caloric deficit. You simply burn through tons of calories, and then replace them with just a little less than you need. As a result, while your legs and glutes will grow conditioned, and your shoulders, chest and triceps to a lesser degree, the fat should simply melt off you.
P90X, on the other hand, is designed with a different purpose.

The nutrition plan is designed to help you change your body composition, not just just lose weight. Which means you will be eating to build muscle, not just lose fat. It's designed with a heavy dose of resistance training, again so that you build muscle, not just lose fat. If your sole goal is to lose weight, then P90X might upset you, as you look at the scale and see that the pounds are simply not dropping off. Which leads us to the next question.